Parent Training

With a background in behavior analysis, I bring an objective perspective to difficult situations that may be occurring with your child at home, school, or with family and friends. During our sessions, I will ask you some questions to try and get a better picture of what is going on and how the situation has developed over time. Then, we can create a plan of action by discussing strategies and techniques you can try and implement. After we finish, I may ask you to jot down what happens after you try and implement the strategies. This will inform our next steps if the strategies are not initially successful.

The process of understanding behavior is ongoing and ever changing. Sometimes the techniques and approaches that have a name in behavior analysis are things you’re already doing everyday. Being able to put a name to what you’re doing makes it that much easier to understand how to handle a variation of that situation on the future. The tools you learn can become part of your toolkit and be applied in countless ways to countless situations (even with the adults in your life!).

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